Ansar Community Center
232 Trails way,
Joppa, MD 21085
Facilitated by the Rishta Nata Department

Meet & Greet
Virginia & Maryland
The Rishta Nata Department held it's first regional Meet & Greet event for the Virginia & Maryland regions at Masroor Mosque, Virginia.

As with the Grace and Mercy of Allah and as a result of His blessings, our Jama’at is significantly increasing in number. Hence, it was deemed imperative that, in order to foster the mutual bonds of relationship and to save them from the ill-effects and bad outcomes, a suitable arrangement should be made for the marriage of the men and women. Therefore, I have made arrangements that in the future, a book must stay with me with complete secrecy and total confidentiality, wherein the names of women and men of the Jama’at are entered. And if the parents of the woman are unable to find a man in their family who is from the Jama’at, bears good moral character, and is at the level of their satisfaction, or, if they similarly fail to find a woman; in such cases it will be imperative for them to allow us to find someone from the Jama’at And everyone should feel confident that we shall, with true sincerity and compassion for the parents, do our utmost to find the most suitable match for the said man or woman. High priority will be given to their good conduct, character, and potential for progression towards goodness. This book will be kept secret and from time to time, as the situation calls for it, the information will be passed on. But no comments will be conveyed about the woman or the man, until and unless the good conduct and qualifications are verified. Therefore, it is incumbent upon those who show their allegiance to us that they submit a list of their children with names, ages, and nationality so that it can be recorded in the book.
National Leadership
Ameer Jama'at USA
National Secretary Rishta Nata
Assistant National Secretary Premarital Counseling
Assistant National Secretary Education/Tarbiyat
Assistant National Secretary Youth Advisory/Website
Assistant National Secretary Jama’at Secretaries
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Marrying Non Muslims
Someone sought guidance from Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa regarding a fatwa, issued by a female official of Al-Azhar University according to which “there is no c
How to Fall in Love
You are at the mall, and your eyes happen to come across someone so attractive to you that the world seems like it has begun to move in slow motion. This dreamy figure glances your