lot is said about human psychology in the world today but even prominent expert psychologists could not come close to the way the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) understood human psychology. Keeping in view this understanding of psychology, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) chose Quranic verses to be read at the time of nikah which emphasise righteousness. These verses also emphasise the importance of maintaining close family connections and emphasise honesty and also stress the importance of being mindful of what you have sent for the morrow. If these values were instilled in the newly married and in the relatives of the newly married, families on both sides, mother, father, sister and brother, the issues that usually cause cracks in relationships would never surface. These issues cause break ups and pain for both families. Sometimes they escalate so much that people get embroiled in court cases and then matters are brought to me and are a source of intense pain.
– Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V
Why am I required to do Premarital Counseling?
Premarital Counseling (PMC) has been made a prerequisite prior to Nikah according to the instructions of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah be his Helper). The Rishta Nata (RN) department USA has a team of trained counselors who conduct these sessions.
Why is Counseling useful?
- PMC seeks to enable the bride-to-be and groom-to-be to have a strong, healthy relationship, assisting them to think about, and prepare the foundation, for a stable and mutually satisfying marriage.
- We want to help you understand and prepare for the challenges in your relationship.
- PMC will help to prepare you for marriage and not just for the wedding day.
- It is meant to slow you down and help you think about the relationship.
- Topics addressed in premarital counseling are intended to highlight ways to handle the relationship according to Islamic teachings, in order to enhance the marriage.
- The discussion will help you do your emotional homework now before you marry rather than dumping a lot of unvoiced expectation on your partner after the marriage.
Where do I go to submit a request?
Submit a PMC request through THIS FORM or by sending an email to pmc@rishtanata.us.
When should I submit the request?
Please try to submit request at least 2 weeks to 4 months prior to Nikah.
Once requested, what happens next?
- PMC coordinators will set up a counseling session on a date and time convenient to the families and the counselors. Flexibility in requested time will make scheduling these sessions easier.
- You will be provided PMC documents and it will be expected that all members have reviewed them before the session.
Who should participate in the counseling session?
It is highly encouraged that in addition to the bride and groom, their parents also attend these sessions to derive the most benefit.
How is the session conducted? In person or virtually?
These sessions will be held virtually on a video call and last about 2 hrs. If possible, a face-to-face session can be held in person where feasible.