
Video Excerpts of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih on Marriage
  1. Huzoor’s advice on discussing marriage with parents
  2. Challenges in finding a Rishta (spouse)
  3. Advice on Finding a Life Partner
  4. Is an Ahmadi Muslim woman permitted to marry a non Ahmadi Muslim man?
  5. Is an Ahmadi Muslim woman permitted to marry a non Ahmadi Muslim man?

  6. Can Ahmadi Muslim men marry non-Muslim women if they are of the “People of the Book”?

  7. Marriage is a personal matter but Jama’at provides guidance when needed.

  8. Huzoor’s guidance to Ahmadi men about marrying Ahmadi women.

  9. A Wali (guardian) is a requirement for a woman at the time of marriage, in Islam.

  10. Do not interfere with an ongoing Rishta discussion between two parties.

  11. Prioritize righteousness over caste and tribe when choosing a spouse.

  12. Arranged marriages are not free of challenges when objectives are wrong.

  13. Mothers having unrealistic expectations of future daughter-in-laws.

  14. Some men choose a spouse for immoral reasons.

  15. Objective of Marriage: Companionship and peace of mind.

  16. Objective of Marriage: A loving family and society.

  17. Objective of Marriage: Righteous Progeny.

  18. Prioritize faith over all else when choosing a spouse.

  19. Role of kufuv or compatibility when choosing a spouse.

  20. Consequences of marrying for social status.

  21. Consequences of marrying for money.

  22. Focus on a woman’s Faith, not her beauty, to secure your future generations.

  23. Give consideration to righteous offspring when choosing a spouse.

  24. Put emphasis on Deen (Faith) over other aspects, when choosing a spouse.

  25. Do not focus on beauty and charm when choosing a spouse.

  26. Matrimonial Challenges (March 12, 2021).

  27. “Role of Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya in relation to Jama’at in Rishta Nata Matters”.

  28. When looking for a partner (rishta), to what extent should one’s faults be disclosed/uncovered?

  29. How to overcome challenges in finding a righteous spouse in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

  30. What is the need to share profiles in match-making if Islam teaches to give preference to faith?

  31. Always keep in mind the purpose of marriage per the Promised Messiah (as)

  32. Show respect to the girl and her family when seeking a rishta (proposal for marriage)

  33. Advice on giving preference to prayer over caste when seeking a spouse.

  34. When Choosing a Spouse Don’t Differentiate Between Race and Caste.

  35. Ahmadi Men Should Consider their future progeny’s upbringing when choosing a spouse.

  36. The important status of Ahmadi women in society and advice to Ahmadi men to marry Ahmadi women.